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The Road Ahead

Today marks the start of week 3 of dad's treatments. To say this process has been difficult is an understatement. Having to watch someone you love be so exhausted and defeated is a gut wrenching feeling; however, we try to celebrate the good days and persevere through the bad. Dad is already starting to lose the taste of everything and his throat has become very sore. We weren't expecting to see these effects so suddenly so that makes me nervous for the remainder of treatment. Today he got his second round of chemo but that came with a slight challenge. His kidneys weren't able to tolerate the medication that is preferred so we had to switch to something different. We will continue to believe in good outcomes despite this setback. Thank you to everyone who has been praying for our family. Your prayers are felt every day. Please continue to pray for healing and strength as we continue through this journey, as it will continue to get worse before it gets better. Psalm
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